Regulatory Texts :
- •Law n°2-79 relating to units of measurement promulgated by Dahir n°1-86-193 of Rabii 2 1407 (December 31,1986) amended and completed by Law n°22-03 promulgated by Dahir n°1.03.206 of 16 Ramadan 1424 (November 11,2003)
- •Decree n° 2-05-813 of Joumada 1 1430 (21 May, 2009 relating to the control of measuring instrument.
- • The Decree of the minister of industry , trade and new technologies n° :972.10 of 17 kaada 1431 (October 26, 2010) fixing the modalities of application of articles 17,20,30,33 and 42 of decree n°:205.813 of 25 joumada 1 1430 (21 May 2009 ) relating to the control of measuring instruments.
- • The Decree of minister of Industry , Investement and Trade and Digital Economy n° : 726-19 of 7 Regab 1440 (March 14, 2019 ) defining the meterological and technical characteristics as well as the conditions of "Acuracy that must be met by Average speed measurement system.
- • The Decree of the minister of investement Trade and the digital Economy N ° : 727-19 of 7 Regab 1440 (March 14, 2019 ) defining metrological and technical characteristics as well as the conditions of accuracy which radar speed control radar devices must meet.