First and periodic verification of average speed measurement systems

Conditions and modalities of the verification of the average speed measurement systems

  • For any verification request, please contact the technical manager to verify the compatibility of your request with the scope of approval of CALIMETER as well as the availability of the laboratory and the technical team. A quote with an appointment and completion times will be communicated to you by the technical manager.
  • The expenses of lodging and the mileage allowances are not charged to the customers for a displacement not exceeding the 100 kms from the head office of the company CALIMETER.
  • The accommodation costs and mileage allowances of our technical team vary according to the intervention sites.
  • Verification requests are the subject of an order letter accompanied by our quotation signed and stamped by customers with the words "good for agreement".
  • The on-site response time for the verification of radar devices depends on the planning of our inspectors.
  • The average speed measurement systems must be presented for verification prepared and accompanied by their metrological logbooks containing the information required by the regulations in force.
  • The payments for our services are payable upon receipt of our invoices. Payments can be made either by transfer to the CALIMETER account mentioned on the invoice or by check. CALIMETER reserves the right to request a cashier's check or certified check.
  • In the case of conformity of the average speed measurement system, the regulatory verification marks as well as the seals will be affixed to the verified devices and an individual verification certificate is issued with each compliant system, where applicable, the mark of refusal (red seal) will be affixed and the customer will have one month to remedy the remarks of the non-compliant average speed measurement system, CALIMETER will only invoice accommodation costs and mileage allowances as well as the MIC fee (no applicable to date). Exceeding the period of one month CALIMETER reserves the right to invoice again the service of the verification of the said system.
  • CALIMETER is committed to the confidentiality of all information and data relating to its customers but, according to the agreement binding it to MIC, is required to present a detailed monthly report of its verification activities to the Metrology Division of the supervising Ministry.